scholarship information

Please read this page if you are interested in this scholarship program:

Purpose: The Central Florida Epilepsy Scholarship Foundation, Inc. is pleased to offer two epilepsy scholarship programs and our desire to assist those affected by epilepsy living in our community with his or her pursuit of their goals through higher education. The purpose of this program is to provide financial support for the education of persons affected by epilepsy with a personal diagnosis or that of an immediate family member.

Award: The Central Florida Epilepsy Scholarship Foundation, Inc. seeks to recognize the personal achievements of those living with epilepsy. We offer scholarships ranging from $1,000 – $2,500 for post-secondary education, advanced college education or post-secondary vocational education.

Vision: A recipient of a scholarship will be a person affected by epilepsy (either self or family member) who shows perseverance in overcoming obstacles that epilepsy may present, courage in dealing with epilepsy, his/her community involvement, their commitment to personal advancement through education and achieving his/her personal goals.


Geographic Requirements -

  • The Brandon Darling Epilepsy Scholarship is available only to students who reside or attend school in Brevard County.

  • The Merle Evanchyk Epilepsy Scholarship is available to any student residing or attending school in Central Florida.

Additional Requirements -

  • Must personally have received a diagnosis of epilepsy or that of an immediate family member confirmed by a physician statement.

  • Must be a high school senior, high school graduate or higher, seeking an associate’s, undergraduate, or graduate degree or an education from a not-for-profit vocational school.

  • When an award is granted the recipient must provide proof of acceptance to a post-secondary academic or a not-for profit vocational program or proof of enrollment.

  • Must submit a minimum of two letters of recommendation. Letters of recommendation may not be from a family member and should address the person’s academic potential, achievement potential, and their potential to be an ambassador for epilepsy awareness, the Epilepsy Association of Central Florida and the Central Florida Epilepsy Scholarship Foundation.

  • Must submit and essay 500 words or less.


Recipients will be determined by the sole discretion of an independent Board of Directors of the CFEF, Inc. based on several factors using the following criteria:

  • Strength of essay.

  • Strength of letters of recommendation.

  • Strength of career goals.

  • Past achievements.

  • How applicant has overcome obstacles related to epilepsy.

  • Financial need.

Note: Awards will be based on the quality of applications through a competitive scoring system that balances need with achievement. Please also note that the CFEF also takes in to consideration an applicant’s epilepsy when weighing accomplishments and academics. 

All applications must be submitted by April 15th*